Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barry and I went to San Diego last week-end and met up with Kirk and Toby at their condo. We had a WoNdERfUL time! Believe it or not, we even rode bikes around down town San Diego for over an hour! AND, I never wrecked! OK - I almost ran over an old man....................but he was playing chicken with me and I'm not very good at stopping!
Barry took some good videos of all of us shopping at the Farmer's Market (which was a LOT of fun!) and also of the bike ride, but since he was behind me on the ride, I'm sure I don't have to tell you what most of the video is......................yea, you guessed it. He said it was the best view from back there. Men!

San Diego - August 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails!!!

Megan & Ivan are having a BoY ! or as Barry says, "A Man Child"!

We are all so excited and happy for Megan and Ivan! We can't wait to welcome the newest addition to our ever growing family! JaxeN Ivan HaNcOck is due to arrive right around January 19, 2009. What a perfect way to start the New Year! We love you Megan!
It's Love at First Site!
Here he is at a whopping 8 ounces!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Catherine's a SENIOR!

FIRST Day of School! CUTE!
I Can't Believe my BABY is a SeNioR!

Catherine & JP Prom 2009

Megan's Baby Shower!

Thanksgiving 2008

Catherine is 18!

Utah 2008