Saturday, February 11, 2012

Babies, Babies, Babies

I have been VERY slothful in updating my blog! We have had 4 (FOUR) new grandbabies!! Here they are in no particular order (since I am blogger illiterate STILL and can't seem to figure out how the dang pictures download!!)

Navy Loral Parker

Born December 7, 2011

She's adorable!Sweet girl!

Sweet smiles!!

Grandpa is smitten!!

Zane Grantham Hancock

Born November 14, 2011

First Christmas!

First Thanksgiving!

Jaxen LOVES Zane!

Sweet boy.
Madden Garth Veater

Born February 7, 2011

LOVES his hands over his head!

Sweet boy!

So Precious!

Such an awake, alert little man!

Harper Mae Hamblin

Born April 17, 2011

Big Brown Eyed Girl. :)

Cash loves his sweet sister!

She's a wild and crazy girl!

Harper's Blessing Day!


Nikki Nielson said...

Babies babies babies! Love them all so much!

Unknown said...

very nice blog plus its having cute baby and baba pics... its awsoome

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Catherine & JP Prom 2009

Megan's Baby Shower!

Thanksgiving 2008

Catherine is 18!

Utah 2008